Sunday, October 15, 2017

Home is Where Your Boots Are (MisAdventures of Miss Lilly #1), by Kalan Chapman Lloyd (author, narrator)

Lloyd Words, June 2015

Lilly Atkins left small town Brooks, Oklahoma to be a big city lawyer in Dallas, and was quite successful at--until everything came crashing down with the discovery of her fiancé in their shared bed with his secretary. Now she's home in Brooks, setting up a local law practice.

She knows she's got trouble when her high school on-and-off boyfriend walks in the door, wanting her to handle his divorce. She just doesn't know how much trouble.

Lilly Atkins and her female family and friends take the duties and responsibilities of Southern womanhood very seriously, and that means some entertaining petty revenge when the husband of one of their number is caught cheating on her. It's a bit less clear what it means when Lilly's former boyfriend, now a doctor and running the local hospital, in addition to wanting a divorce, may also be engaged in organ smuggling.

The overall tone of this is light and humorous, and yet it really is, in part, about organ smuggling. That created a certain dissonance for me, that I wasn't happy about. Of course, it's also about small town closeness, the importance of family and friends, and remembering where you came from, and the light humor is far more appropriate for that.

I do rather like Lilly.

Enjoyable, if you're only looking for a light distraction sort of read.

I bought this audiobook.

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