Friday, June 8, 2012

An Orkney Murder (Rose McQuinn #3), by Alanna Knight (author), Hilary Neville (narrator)

Ulverscroft Soundings, Ltd., ISBN 9781845599209, June 2008

This is the the third book in the series, and the first that I've read. There's some backstory, but it was pretty easy to pick up enough to enjoy this story.

Rose McQuinn is trying to decide whether to marry her new love, an Edinburgh police detective, and is relieved, finally, two years after her return from America, to get an invitation to visit her sister Emily and her family on the island of Orkney, where Emily, Rose, and Rose's first love and now (probably) deceased husband, Danny McQuinn, grew up.

It's her first meeting with her brother-in-law, the first time in years that she's seen her sister Emily and the grandmother who raised them--and her first meeting with a great-grandmother whom she has never heard of before. It's fascinating, and wonderfully restful--until Rose finds herself investigating the death of her sister's husband's first wife, found dead in the bog just outside the family mansion, ten years after she was believed drowned and washed up on the shore, her corpse badly damaged.

When did she really die? How? And who is the woman who was originally buried in her grave?

It's painfully obvious who the most likely suspect is, and Rose is torn between her duty to her family and her duty to the truth.

We get a wonderful look at late 19th century Orkney, women's lives at that time, archaeological digs at that time, and a nifty little historical mystery from Orkney's deep past. Oh, and an engaging mystery with very engaging characters.

Very enjoyable.

I borrowed this book from a friend. 

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