Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Mausoleum's Children, by Aliette de Bodard

Uncanny, May 2023

In de Bodard's Xuya Universe, there are many space habitats and communities of space habitats. Near one of them is the Mausoleum, the wreckage of several ships from a massive collision. They are crunched and melted together, intruding into each other, but much of the space is still habitable.

Thuận Lộc spent her childhood there, working under the supervision of the Architects, doing jobs only children were small enough to do. Then she escaped, leaving behind her two closest friends--something she still regrets.

Now, she's going back for them.

Things have not gotten better on the Mausoleum, and she learns that she hasn't remembered everything about Hher experiences. Most importantly, how she really escaped.

Her two friends have survived, but taken very different paths from each other. And there's another entity, who has their own interest in Thuận Lộc, and in what's happening in the Mausoleum.

An excellent read, as with all the Xuya stories I've read.

This is a 2024 Hugo Awards Best Short Story Finalist.

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